Business sectors
Oil & Gas Sector
It includes all stages of manufacturing and production of oil and gas sites, fields, refining operations, and refineries and includes all storage facilities and transport and handling and delivery of oil and gas as well as the sites of trading and sale at gas stations and all activities related to oil and gas.
Environmental safety and health services:
- Environmental safety and health studies and consultations for oil and gas activities and sites.
- implement a technical evaluation for the sites and activities of the sector in relation to the cases and processes, products and environmental safety and health services.
- Make a technical inspection on oil and gas activities and sites related to the environmental safety and health services such as (Storage, pipes, electricity, mechanics, electronic devices, machinery, equipment, transportation, dealing and handling methods, industrial water, refrigeration, used materials, personal protective clothing and equipment for work lines and sites, emergency, etc.).
- Identify and evaluate the risks to reduce and minimize it at the oil and gas site.
- Implement safety and environmental tests, measurements, and analyzes (air and water samples, heat, humidity, gases, acids, alkalis, noise, vibrations, dust, odors, etc.).

- Implementation of safety and environmental awareness and training programs in the oil and gas sector.
- Create and develop a system of environmental safety and health services for the oil and gas sector (Oil & Gas EHSMS).
- Another service according to needs and demands.